Friday, March 19, 2010

Confessions of an Attraction Marketer

OK, I admit it!  I have often been accused of being an attraction marketer!

From time to time I get asked what is attraction marketing and how is it different from other kinds of marketing?  Most baby boomers in networking all started with the traditional way.

The Traditional Way
It starts with prospecting.  (A word I have never really warmed up to). You make cold calls, from buying leads or advertising to find leads. Next you qualify those leads which leads into a presentation to demonstrate the superiority of your own service and/or company.  Because we all know that OUR product or service is the best and WHY won’t others just see what we see?

Because prospects resist being sold to, you are trained to overcome their objections. And really…how many people LOVE reaching into your bag of “overcoming objection” tricks to find the one that works?

In general people dislike being “sold”.  I’ve found that most people don’t like being sold to and they don’t like selling to others. And…the more polished you are, the more they will resist.

This is a short (but hilarious) video that demonstrates a young salesman who has not yet learned the secrets of Attraction Marketing!

I love this!  “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way” !!

The thing is…people love to buy…but they don’t love being sold. 

Newcomer Mistakes

When I was new in network marketing, I put my focus on “making the sale”.  In my business that meant – enrolling a new associate.  I concentrated on enrolling that new associate, I took the training, I read the books and went to the seminars.

And then it hit me.

The people who seemed to be the most successful were not slick, or polished or excellent salespeople.  They were warm and caring people who really loved their teams and what they do. They were not salespeople, they were leaders.  And people follow leaders.

Think like a leader – not a salesperson
The key word here is “lead” – not “sell”.  Get to know each other along the way.  Offer information of value, that is NOT selling your product or opportunity.

Become a “people magnet”
Becoming a people magnet  is easier than you think when you take the dollar sign off your forehead and start to focus on the people you serve. 

One of the most exciting parts of my week is when I can connect with a new person who is looking at my blog posts.  I no longer think about “selling” to them.  I love to spend time laughing and getting to know each other.  I focus first on who they are, what they need, and what makes then tick.

It's your attitude towards others that makes you attractive.  It's developing a positive and upbeat personality. BEING the type of person someone would want to do business with.

Is it worth the trouble?
Attraction marketing is the most natural way to grow a business. Yes, it takes time to make it work. But it’s worth it.

You will be amazed how many GREAT new people you will attract to your business. Even people who will never join your business themselves, will send you referrals!

Attraction Marketing is a natural and rewarding way to do business, it’s about creating a long term relationship with people.  Baby boomers love to develop relationships with each other, rather than the quick sale,  so this is even more natural for those of us in the baby boomer generation!

Once people get to know you, some will not like your style, some will like you and some will LOVE you!  The ones that love you, will be with you forever!

Yes, I admit it. I am an Attraction Marketer! 

It was when I learned the secret of seeing leads as potential new friends instead of prospects that my business took off.  And so can yours!


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