Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Guess What... You Have a Choice When You're Stuck.

Have you ever felt “stuck” in your business?

I have!

I think we’ve all gone through days (maybe weeks?) where we felt there was NOTHING happening. No movement in our business, no rank advancements, no new members….

Stuck with no movement in your business?

If I had a dollar for every call or e-mail I’ve had similar to this….

Or for every time over the years I’ve thought about it myself! And some days we really do fall into the “perceived helplessness” trap!!

Before you read any further.... watch this video.

It makes my point and you'll laugh....

OK… it’s a margarine commercial…but…it makes a good point!

When I first saw this video, I laughed and then it made me think. There’s a powerful little message here for us, when we fall into the “stuck” zone.

Are you feeling stuck…possibly waiting for someone to rescue you?

This can occur in any area of life. A few years ago, I was stuck in my business. I remember sitting in my car one day and was ready to give up! My downline was dropping like flies, my upline had disappeared and I felt that horrible feeling of “being stuck with no one to help me”

I remember thinking, “No one is going to rescue me. I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and take responsibility for my own business.”

And you know what…I did!

I’m guessing there are times in all our lives when we need to simply walk up the damn escalator and get on with it.

I took the steps to get off the escalator, and so can you.

You get to decide whether or not you remain stuck. My hope is you’ll get up, brush yourself off and start moving again.

Enjoy the ride…or the walk, whichever the case may be!

See you at the top!


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