This is the first 3 videos in a series. Short videos show step by step how to make a capture page to advertise on-line and collect names of interested people.
Video 1 - Getting Started & Layouts
Video 2 - Titles and Domain Name
Video 3 - Pictures and Videos
The next 3 videos in this training series will be published soon.
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The people on my mailing list are sent all training videos before they are posted to my blog.
Kate Nowak has touched so many lives with this, including mine.
Whenever I feel stressed, pressed or confused, I take a 5 minute break
I quiet my mind for a moment and focus on my breath, breathing deeply and slowly.
And I watch this video... saying the words out loud. Don't know why...but that seems to help.
When I take 5 short minutes to sit and meditate on the images, the words and the music of this video, no matter what is happening, I am always reminded of the truth…
“May every doubt and fear
be replaced by a deep abiding trust
as you behold evidence
of a Higher Power all around you”.
OK, I admit it! I have often been accused of being an attraction marketer!
From time to time I get asked what is attraction marketing and how is it different from other kinds of marketing? Most baby boomers in networking all started with the traditional way.
The Traditional Way
It starts with prospecting. (A word I have never really warmed up to). You make cold calls, from buying leads or advertising to find leads. Next you qualify those leads which leads into a presentation to demonstrate the superiority of your own service and/or company. Because we all know that OUR product or service is the best and WHY won’t others just see what we see?
Because prospects resist being sold to, you are trained to overcome their objections. And really…how many people LOVE reaching into your bag of “overcoming objection” tricks to find the one that works?
In general people dislike being “sold”. I’ve found that most people don’t like being sold to and they don’t like selling to others. And…the more polished you are, the more they will resist.
This is a short (but hilarious) video that demonstrates a young salesman who has not yet learned the secrets of Attraction Marketing!
I love this! “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way” !!
The thing is…people love to buy…but they don’t love being sold.
Newcomer Mistakes
When I was new in network marketing, I put my focus on “making the sale”. In my business that meant – enrolling a new associate. I concentrated on enrolling that new associate, I took the training, I read the books and went to the seminars.
And then it hit me.
The people who seemed to be the most successful were not slick, or polished or excellent salespeople. They were warm and caring people who really loved their teams and what they do. They were not salespeople, they were leaders. And people follow leaders.
Think like a leader – not a salesperson
The key word here is “lead” – not “sell”. Get to know each other along the way. Offer information of value, that is NOT selling your product or opportunity.
Become a “people magnet”
Becoming a people magnet is easier than you think when you take the dollar sign off your forehead and start to focus on the people you serve.
One of the most exciting parts of my week is when I can connect with a new person who is looking at my blog posts. I no longer think about “selling” to them. I love to spend time laughing and getting to know each other. I focus first on who they are, what they need, and what makes then tick.
It's your attitude towards others that makes you attractive. It's developing a positive and upbeat personality. BEING the type of person someone would want to do business with.
Is it worth the trouble?
Attraction marketing is the most natural way to grow a business. Yes, it takes time to make it work. But it’s worth it.
You will be amazed how many GREAT new people you will attract to your business. Even people who will never join your business themselves, will send you referrals!
Attraction Marketing is a natural and rewarding way to do business, it’s about creating a long term relationship with people. Baby boomers love to develop relationships with each other, rather than the quick sale, so this is even more natural for those of us in the baby boomer generation!
Once people get to know you, some will not like your style, some will like you and some will LOVE you! The ones that love you, will be with you forever!
Yes, I admit it. I am an Attraction Marketer!
It was when I learned the secret of seeing leads as potential new friends instead of prospects that my business took off. And so can yours!
I’ve always loved dogs, right from the time I was a kid. My dogs were always my best friends.
But that was just one more of my passions that I put on hold while I was “building my career”. I travelled a lot and worked long hours and I knew having a dog was not right for me at that time.
After I was downsized and found myself working from home, I had time on my hands but I hadn’t re-connected with my passion for animals. In fact all my passions in life were so deeply buried, it never occurred to me that I should have a dog.
Since I had time on my hands, I started doing some volunteer work at the local SPCA. I made a STRICT rule that I would volunteer only… and not adopt any dogs. Not one! Nope…not me.
Well, I was VERY strong for about 6 months and then one day, I saw her….
She had been a stray for a very long time when they brought her in. She was so skinny her ribs showed and she was covered with fleas and sores. But she was sweet and gentle and one look into those big brown eyes and I was hopelessly in love!
They called her Highway at the SPCA, because she was found on the side of the highway.
I changed her name to Mikki. Mikki is short for Mikaela – “gift from God”. And she is.
No one came to claim her during the 6 day waiting period. Everyday I walked her and prayed that no one would claim her. On the 6th day, she had to be spayed before adoption and I picked her up straight from the vet and brought her home.
She couldn’t climb stairs for a few days, so I slept on the couch to be close to her.
Now that I’ve found my soul mutt, I don’t know how I lived without her. She has been my constant companion for 2 years.
She loves to run and she can jump a 5 foot fence with ease.
She sits patiently by my side when I work online for a good chunk of the day, always knowing that soon we will be going out for a run and a visit with her pals at the dog park.
She loves to rest her head on my keyboard, which drives me crazy when I’m working…
When I am sad, she always knows and there she is, nuzzling me and cheering me up.
The day I found Mikki was the first day of an incredible adventure. She teaches me something new every day about love, loyalty, trust, joy, and so much more.
Adopting a shelter dog is the best thing you can do for yourself. These guys know you’ve rescued them and they spend the rest of their lives repaying the favor.
One of the things I am most grateful for, is that I have the time freedom to indulge myself in a few of my passions.
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my dog, and really it goes beyond that…I love all dogs.
A few years ago, I ran into a friend who told me he had been volunteering at the local shelter, walking dogs. I didn’t have a dog at the time and I thought it would be a nice way to spend a few hours a day, and getting some exercise was an added bonus!
It turned out to be a “dream job”.
I love going to the shelter and I love working with the dogs. Not only do I get to walk them through the beautiful trails in our west coast forests, I also get to groom them, play fetch with them and give them lots of cuddles and belly-rubs!
I was a little worried that I would want to bring them ALL home, so I made a firm decision in the beginning to go to the kennel with a lazer focus of HELPING, not searching for my soul-mutt.
I stayed very strong for over a year, and one day….it happened. I found her. Here she is… I couldn’t resist!
But… that’s a story for another post.
That was 2 years ago and even though I have my own dog now, I am still walking dogs 2 – 3 afternoons a week. I love it.
I especially love when one of our “kids” is adopted and finds a home where they will have a warm bed, regular meals and most important…love.
I hope you’ll take a look at my video…I have some great photos of a couple of our former clients who have now all found homes. You can also see the kennel, which to me is more beautiful than my former executive office!
I think we’ve all gone through days (maybe weeks?) where we felt there was NOTHING happening. No movement in our business, no rank advancements, no new members….
Stuck with no movement in your business?
If I had a dollar for every call or e-mail I’ve had similar to this….
Or for every time over the years I’ve thought about it myself! And some days we really do fall into the “perceived helplessness” trap!!
Before you read any further.... watch this video.
It makes my point and you'll laugh....
OK… it’s a margarine commercial…but…it makes a good point!
When I first saw this video, I laughed and then it made me think. There’s a powerful little message here for us, when we fall into the “stuck” zone.
Are you feeling stuck…possibly waiting for someone to rescue you?
This can occur in any area of life. A few years ago, I was stuck in my business. I remember sitting in my car one day and was ready to give up! My downline was dropping like flies, my upline had disappeared and I felt that horrible feeling of “being stuck with no one to help me”
I remember thinking, “No one is going to rescue me. I need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and take responsibility for my own business.”
And you know what…I did!
I’m guessing there are times in all our lives when we need to simply walk up the damn escalator and get on with it.
I took the steps to get off the escalator, and so can you.
You get to decide whether or not you remain stuck. My hope is you’ll get up, brush yourself off and start moving again.
Enjoy the ride…or the walk, whichever the case may be!
Did you know that when you request a friend and they don't reply, they are still included in your total friends count?
I know a lot of people who are getting close to maxing out, so here's a little video that shows how to clean up your friends list.
Really, the whole purpose of adding friends on facebook for networkers is to find the people who "click" with you. It's better to have 10 people who LOVE you and click, and will follow you anywhere...